This one-act musical comedy follows Catherine, Amy, and Hailey as they navigate the stress of the college admissions process in different ways– Catherine trying to get into her dream school, Amy trying to choose the best option for track and field, and Hailey applying to a whopping sixteen schools to hopefully commit to the Ivy League. The senior class faces pressure on social media, the feeling of falling behind your friends, financial burdens, and the scariest application question there is– who are you?
- Cast Size: 3F 5+ Gender Neutral
- Running Time: Under an Hour
- Royalty Rate: $40 per performance

A teen aged girl with an over active mind (Monkey Mind played by three characters) tries to get her father out of depression by winning a singing contest. A singing teacher notices her brain is running her life and tries to teach her to control it by “staying in the now”. The stubborn girl thinks, “Ya Ya” and doesn’t try. She falls for the teachers nephew but worrying about her father, (in the hospital) maybe not being good enough to win, and a fight with the boy, drive her to near suicide before she realizes her mind is, indeed, ruining her life and is ready to try to “stay in the now”. A serous subject done with a lot of humor.
Cast Size: 2M 2W 3GN
Running Time: 90+ minutes
Royalty Rate: $75 per performance

Hank Brown is an adventure-seeking American with a dream to work in a foreign country. Unhappy teaching chemistry at a high school in Pasadena, Texas, Hank parlays his knowledge of chemical elements with a stint in oil and gas to land a position at a Saudi Arabian oil company. Selling his wife Tina (a fervent Christian) on romantic ideas about the Middle East, they relocate to Dhahran in search of their version of the American Dream. But it’s 1981, and after 10 years of living in Saudi Arabia and experiencing two wars, their relationship fractures. With the help of music and humor, the play examines the expatriate lifestyle and becomes an investigation into the psychological, spiritual, and physiological effects of being stationed too long in a foreign land.
- Cast Size: 4M 3W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
Review Musicals.