Slippery as Sin
by David Lee White

An “old dark house” mystery about our war on facts. It’s 1931 and Dorrington, America’s most brilliant detective, is trapped on an island with some of the country’s most elite socialites. As the evening wears on and backstabbing plots are revealed, Dorrington becomes convinced that the house is under siege by Diabolicus – a master criminal that no one has ever seen, Dorrington realizes that he must do whatever it takes to convince the others that Diabolicus is responsible – even if he doesn’t even exist.
- Cast Size: 4M 2W
- Running Time: 90+ minutes
- Royalty Rate: $75 per performance
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About the Playwright

David Lee White is a playwright/performer based in New Jersey. David is a lifelong devotee of using his years of training as a playwright, comedian and educator to build and celebrate community. His collaborative work with professional theatre and educational programs includes farce, musicals and verbatim theatre, all created in concert with professional artists, young people and community members. His comedies include Slippery as Sin, Blood: a Comedy, Ways to Be Happy and Rocket Sex Magic. His work in mental health advocacy includes the plays Fixed and Panther Hollow. His musicals include The Angry Grammarian (with Jeffery Barg) and The Infinity Trilogy (with Kate Brennan), which includes the musicals ALiEN8, Clean Slate and Illuminate.
This play takes starts with some of the familiar tropes from Agatha Christie mysteries and mixes in elements of farce, macabre visuals, and witty repartee to concoct an especially bubbly brew. There’s even some social satire that might ring relevant in this era of gaslighting and conspiracy theories. It’s an ensemble piece with juicy roles for all, and an especially rewarding tour-de-force lead for a versatile, charismatic actor, playing a legendary detective who may or may not be his own worst enemy.
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